Living Water United Church of Christ (Philadelphia, PA)

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Living Water United Church of Christ in Philadelphia, PA is partnering with Transfaith by hosting a grant-funded “Come As You Are” dinner and community gathering for transgender, gender non-conforming, and gender creative folk (including families, friends, and allies).

LWUCC leadership worked with Transfaith staff to develop a proposal for the Neighbors In Need grant program of the United Church of Christ to develop an extension of Living Water’s urban ministry program which was already well established providing food resources for those experiencing food scarcity.

Living Water is a small and young congregation (under 20 years old) with limited resources that claims “Where all are welcome, and can expect to be embraced.” By thinking creatively and collaboratively with Transfaith, they have found a meaningful way to expand this embrace regionally to impact families with gender creative children, transgender people in recovery, and those in transgender communities experiencing food scarcity.

Living Water on Facebook

Living Water website

Come As You Are Philly website

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