Rev. Jonathon Thunderword


Profile at LGBT Religious Archives Network

Jonathon Thunderword is a theologian, a scholar, and a free thinker. He is an omni-faith, multi-spiritual practitioner who is a part of Mata Amritanandamayi Center.

He is an ordained Christian minister, founder of Finding Another Right Road Authentically and Holistically (FARRAH) and founder of By the Way Ministry in Virginia. He is a certified Alcohol and Substance abuse counselor. He is also affiliated with National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Faith Network, TransFaith, TransSaints, TFAM (The Fellowship of Affirming Ministries), Pacific School of Religion (alumnus), Lehrhaus Judaica (Hebrew student), Black Trans Advocacy International, and Brothers Rising (Oakland, CA).

He has spent his adult career trying to relieve suffering. Working with persons living with AIDS/HIV, homeless populations, people with addictive behaviors, sex abuse, spiritual/religious abuse and those that are marginalized. He is an environmentalist and animal activist.
