Ms. Jaime Matheny

Transfaith Board Member from 2017
Serving as Treasurer

Jaime grew up in a small town in rural Bowling Green Ohio.  Her family were farmers.  She Learned from an early age the value of hard work and self reliance.  In high school she participated heavily in the music program and theatre.  As a young person she attended a Methodist church where she fell in love with the music.  The music was a refuge in a very busy life. 

When she Jaime went to college she attended Ohio University in Athens Ohio. She studied theatre technical production and design and Spanish.  In her senior year she met her future wife and after their graduations they both moved to Boston.  Jaime was married to her wife in 1998.

After graduation she started working in construction.  She followed the work for many years.  Working in places ranging from custom furniture to building houses.   In 2007 she joined the United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America.  She went through the apprenticeship program and went on to become a journeyman carpenter.  (There is no Master Carpenter level)  She worked on projects like churches, schools and hospitals.  She served her union as a carpenter, an instructor, a steward and an organizer.   

One Sunday morning she found her way to Second Church Newton and fell in love with Church all over again. She soon joined the congregation as a member now serves there as a member of her church’s Resources Committee and as co-chair of the pastoral search committee.

She is also President of Trans Club of New England, a peer lead support group. She currently lives in Newton with her wife, child and housemates.  In her shop, she still builds custom furniture and guitars.