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Applications now open for the Minister Bobbie Jean Baker Memorial Award!

"This is a way to keep hope alive and for the girls to remember their heritage!” according to Trans elder, Miss Major Griffin-Gracy who is serving as Honorary Chair of the award committee.

New Year’s Day 2014 the news rippled out across the country that Minister Bobbie Jean Baker had passed away unexpectedly in a car crash on her way home from Watch Night services. Five years later, Transfaith and the Minister Bobbie Jean Baker award committee are launching this award in her memory.

Funded by the Minister Bobbie Jean Baker Memorial Fund, this award will support the leadership of Transgender women of color, specifically.

This award is important so people can remember Bobbie Jean and her legacy,” says Miss Major, in support of the fund and award. “She struggled before you and passed through and so can you!"

The awards are given in three categories that recognize Minister Bobbie Jean’s multi-facted contributions to community.

The deadline for applications is March 1, 2019. Decisions will be made by May 1, 2019 and funds distributed before the end of May. Please consider this timeline when making your proposal. Awards may range from $100 to $1500 each, with at least one award in each category.

Thank you to the Transgender Justice Funding Project for seed money,
as well as donors just like you!

There is still time to contribute to the Minister Bobbie Jean Baker Memorial Fund.

Will you support the leadership of Transgender women of color today?